
bolso de mano reciclada


Woven Twill 6.34 oz / 215 g

  • urban-brushed

    BL - Black


    DW - Dove White

60% Algodón orgánico reciclado pre-consumo   40% Polyéster recilado post-consumo

Organic Content Standard (OCS-BL)
Continental Clothing Co. Ha sido certificada bajo el Estándar de Contenido Orgánico (OCS) por la Soil Association Certification, con licencia TEO19090.

El objetivo de esta norma es garantizar la trazabilidad e integridad de las materias primas durante todas las etapas de fabricación.

La OCS logra este objetivo comprobando la presencia y cantidad de material orgánico en el producto final. A través de la certificación, proporciona un sólido sistema de cadena de custodia desde la fuente de la materia prima orgánica hasta el producto final.

El estándar tiene dos tipos diferentes de certificación:
- OCS-100; se usa solo para productos que contienen 95% o más de materiales orgánicos.
- OCS-BL (mezclado); se utiliza para productos que contienen un mínimo del 5% de materiales orgánicos mezclados con materias primeras convencionales o sintéticas.

PeTA-approved Vegan
Vegan fashion – clothes, shoes and accessories that contain no leather, fur, wool, skin, exotic skins or any other animal-derived fabric – is revolutionising the way that we shop and dress.

As more and more people vow never to clothe themselves in cruelty, retailers and designers are meeting the demand for animal-friendly clothes in style.

Although you can easily find fashionable animal-free products in many high-street stores, some companies go further, either by ensuring that everything they sell is 100 per cent vegan or by clearly sign-posting their vegan products. The “PETA-Approved Vegan” logo is a way of recognising these progressive compassionate businesses – and helping ethical consumers identify where to shop with confidence, safe in the knowledge that they’re not supporting the exploitation of animals.

Check the listing of brands HERE

About PETA

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation is a UK-based charity dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals.

Like humans, animals are capable of suffering and have interests in leading their own lives; therefore, they are not ours to use – for experimentation, food, clothing, entertainment or any other reason. PETA and our affiliates around the world educate policymakers and the public about cruelty to animals and promote an understanding of the right of all animals to be treated with respect.


Fair Wear Foundation FWF
La Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) es una organización independiente, sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja para empresas y fábricas con el objetivo de mejorar las condiciones de los trabajadores de la industria textil.


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